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What is house church?
The goal of House Church ministries is to restore the New Testament church in the 21st century.
Our model is based on Acts 2:42-47 – The local church is made up of many house churches that meet individually in different homes every week and also gather for corporate worship on Sundays.
New Life Fellowship
Bridge Church
“God is making great things through the house church..”
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Restore the New Testament Church
We seek to recover the New Testament church through House Church ministries and strive to do our best…
Prioritize salvation of the lost
We make the salvation of the lost our priority, not church growth, because we believe God desires everyone..
Make disciples by modeling in real life
We prefer the cultivation of spiritual strength over the transfer of biblical knowledge, on-the-job training, and field experience…
Help ministers reclaim proper roles
We help pastors and lay members reclaim their proper ministries. Pastors focus on equipping God’s people (Ephesians 4…